Choose to Endure Podcast with Richard Gleave 2024

Richard Gleave, host of the Choose to Endure Podcast, reached out to talk about mindset and mental strategies for his audience who are mostly back-of-the-pack ultrarunners. This was a great opportunity to share my thoughts, insights, and tips for the people who are out there the longest. I have definitely been there, as my past … Continue reading Choose to Endure Podcast with Richard Gleave 2024

Ultrarunner Talks Body Image – Player Development

Isaiah interviews athletes and coaches, and was looking for a runner to interview, so he reached out when saw that I might be able to help. Isaiah Isaiah, professional counselor, host of Player Development Podcast, and professional athlete Isaiah is a professional counselor, personal coach, and professional athlete (Triangle Shooters), supporting people in Virginia. As … Continue reading Ultrarunner Talks Body Image – Player Development

The Dear Mark Project Podcast with Maria

Maria, the host of The Dear Mark Project Podcast, invited me on to talk about how social media can negatively impact our body image. Most importantly, I talk about how you can improve your relationship with it. I'm a professional mental health counselor, specializing in treating anxiety, trauma, and eating disorders, so body image is … Continue reading The Dear Mark Project Podcast with Maria

You Are More than an Athlete: What can you do when you are injured or need to step away?

You are more than an athlete. Think about how many different roles you play in your life. ▪︎ Parent▪︎ Sibling▪︎ Family member▪︎ Son/daughter▪︎ Employer/employee▪︎ Community member▪︎ Friend▪︎ Role model... You may closely identify as an athlete, but there will be times where we can't exercise due to injury or participate in sports due to another … Continue reading You Are More than an Athlete: What can you do when you are injured or need to step away?

Active and Runner Moms Who Experience “Mom Guilt” Watch my message, To All the Moms, here on my YouTube channel. Don't forget to subscribe. Thanks so much! Note: I'm writing this from the perspective as a mother and an athlete, I feel the "mom guilt" creep in periodically, as I strive to balance training and motherhood. This short letter can be to … Continue reading Active and Runner Moms Who Experience “Mom Guilt”

1% Better Habits & Goals

1%, think about it If we made a small change in our lives every single day, just 1% better, what would our lives look like? How much improvement would we see? How much closer would we be to our goals? We often don't notice tiny changes or progress until they build up over time. We … Continue reading 1% Better Habits & Goals

How I Prevail as a Mom, Business Owner, and Ultra Runner

Hi, I'm Shannon! I am a mom, wife, daughter, sister, business owner, friend, community member, and ultramarathon runner. Holding all of these roles is a blessing, I try to give everyday a 100% effort. All of these roles are important and dear to me. How do I do it? How does holding and maintaining all … Continue reading How I Prevail as a Mom, Business Owner, and Ultra Runner

Reasons Why I Run: Digging deep

Moraine State Park, PA As runners, we're all asked why we run "so much." When we're on a long run and in the pain cave, we ask ourselves similar "why" questions. - "Aghhh, I've been out here for 30 miles and I still have 20 more to go! WHY am I doing this?!" I have … Continue reading Reasons Why I Run: Digging deep