Mindfulness Walk Activity – Free Resource

Are you “mind full” or “mindful”? Mindfulness and walking are highly beneficial to your mental health, especially when you do them routinely. Try combining them! Go on a walk. You can walk inside (yes, it still works) or outside, done alone, while walking the dog, or with another person. – just don’t have a conversation … Continue reading Mindfulness Walk Activity – Free Resource

You Are More than an Athlete: What can you do when you are injured or need to step away?

You are more than an athlete. Think about how many different roles you play in your life. ▪︎ Parent▪︎ Sibling▪︎ Family member▪︎ Son/daughter▪︎ Employer/employee▪︎ Community member▪︎ Friend▪︎ Role model... You may closely identify as an athlete, but there will be times where we can't exercise due to injury or participate in sports due to another … Continue reading You Are More than an Athlete: What can you do when you are injured or need to step away?