Mental Strategies for Running in the Heat

Furnace Creek Visitor Center, Death Valley National Park, CA

For most runner’s, running in the heat presents a challenge. A physical one and a mental one. Physically, we slow down, which mentally affects us.

The heat and humidity itself can make us want to mentally tap out, “It’s too hot out, I can’t do this.”

– It’s okay and probably a good thing to slow down during these hotter days. It’s fine to take walk breaks.

— Many of us set “rules” for ourselves that send the message to toughen up and to run our typical pace. These made up rules can be unhelpful, causing rigidness in our training, negative self-talk, and lowering our self-esteem. “I’m not a real runner if I walk.”

Getting back on track with the article topic, I’m one of those strange people who love running in the heat, and I’m drawn to Badwater 135, The World’s Toughest Footrace. That race sounds like a dream to me.

While out on a hot, summer run, I took notes on what mental strategies I was using to get through it, which also helps me to feel stronger.

It is fascinating to learn about how the brain works and how we can use that knowledge to better our physical performance and mental toughness.

We can treat our minds as a tool that needs trained and adaptation, just like we would train and adapt our bodies.

Feeling curious, I wanted to know what I was specifically thinking during my run, so I tuned in.

But before I get to my 13 mental strategies…

* Please, be safe while out in the heat. Stay in-tune with your body. Wear sunscreen.

Consider slowing down. Pay attention to how much you’re sweating and your perceived effort.

Also, take in the right amount of fuel and water. Do your research on how to be safe while running in the heat. *

Here are a few articles that provide tips for running in the heat:

How to Stand Running in the Heat

Running in the Heat and Humidity | Tips and Hot Weather Gear

20 Tips for Running in Heat and Humidity

Mount Whitney Portal Road, CA

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13 mental stratgies for running in the heat

Let’s get to it.

  1. Don’t think about it, simply enjoy the act of running. You GET to do this.
  2. Enjoy your surroundings. Enjoy the flowers and other things or people you come across.
  3. Think about something good from your day or week.
    • Practicing gratitude can increase feelings of happiness.
  4. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. “I don’t mind the heat. I’m doing fine.”
  5. Mind over matter. “I’m strong.”
  6. Use positive self-talk, like “I’m/you’re doing good” and “keep going.” I repeat these two phrases over 100 times during ultramarathons.
  7. Feel good about being out on your run. Many people will stay inside, sit on their couch, and use the heat as an excuse not to run.
  8. The “poor man’s altitude training.”
  9. Picturing yourself running strong. Visualize, in detail, yourself running. Include what you are wearing and having a solid running form. Picture yourself doing well, being properly fueled, and hydrated.
  10. Know that your pace in the heat will be naturally slower than in a cooler temperature. Keep in mind that saying, “Fall PR’s (Personal Records) are made in the Summer.”
  11. Running in the heat can be good mental training. Being out in the elements gives us a mental challenge. It is good exercise for the mind.
  12. Use music as a tool of distraction, motivation, and to get in a rythm.
  13. You’ve ran in the heat before, you can do it again. Every year when summer comes around, it seems to take a while to adjust to the heat and humidity. It helps to recall other times that you’ve had to withstand the heat. Maybe it was at a race?

Pick one or two and try them

I hope that your summer running is going well and that you’ve found these mental strategies for running in the heat helpful.

Pick one or two of them and try them our on your next run.

Training your mind, like you would your body, takes time, so be patient and stick with it. If your run doesn’t go so well, try again.

Death Valley National Park, CA

Related articles

Badwater 135 Crewing, Pacing and Adventure Photo Gallery (2021)

Visualize How Your Race Training Fits Into Your Week For Success

Road Dog Podcast: Mental wellness and ultrarunning

Reasons Why I Run: Digging deep

Mindfulness Walk Activity

Ultrarunner, are you ready to level up your mindset and mental health?

If you are interested in working together on stepping up your mindset and mental wellness around racing and life, reach out to me.

I’d love to hear about your goals.

We will look at problem areas or where you’d like to see improvement, set a realistic goal, and then put those steps in place.

– I work with ultrarunners all over the United States who want to dial in their race mentality, mental strategies, and overall improve their mental wellness.

— My coaching services are fully on the mental side (I am a National Certified Counselor and Licensed Professional Counselor in PA, coaching is a non-clinical service).

Here’s what we can work on

  • Improve day-to-day mental wellbeing.
  • Build better habits.
  • Incorporate mindfulness
  • Learn emotion regulation skills.
  • Set challenging, yet attainable goals.
  • Discuss motivation
  • Address body image thoughts or concerns.
  • Talk about you! Who are you, besides a runner or athlete? – parent, sibling,
  • entrepreneur, community member… What else do you do, and how does it impact training for races or vice versa?
  • Coping with injury and setbacks.
  • Juggling priorities and time management.
  • Are you actively trying to find a mental health professional? I can assist!
  • Are you searching for a running coach? I can provide pointers on how to go about finding someone who’s a good fit and what questions to ask the coach when interviewing them for fit.
  • Mental strategies and mindset for racing.
  • Training and race day visualization.
  • Generalized anxiety and race day anxiety.
  • What might you do if you encounter a problem during a race.
  • Building trust with yourself.
  • Improving self-care, self-esteem, and self-compassion.
  • Knowing when to push yourself and when to be kinder to yourself.
  • Why’s and meaning behind what you do. Passion. Using that as support and drive.
  • On top of talking, I do provide resources and homework.

I hope that this paints a picture of the good stuff that we can work on together.

Contact me if you have questions or want to schedule.

Death Valley National Park, CA

Subscribe for more mindset and mental wellness content for ultrarunners

Mount Whitney, CA

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Happy running,


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